Maggie is a former lead insurance editor at Reviews.com. She's written more than 70 insurance articles covering homeowners, auto, life, motorcycle, travel, and more.
More from Maggie Overholt
How Gender Affects Auto Insurance Rates
Do men or women pay more for auto insurance? Different outlets argue both sides. For example, the Insurance Journal writes, “What? Women Pay More Than Men for Auto Insurance? Yup.” while Esurance has a page titled “Why Women Pay Less for Car Insurance.” We checked rates for sample drivers age 23 to 38 from the ...
How Credit Score Affects Auto Insurance Rates
You know the drill: Auto insurance rates are higher if you’ve been in an accident, got caught speeding, filed one too many claims, or own an expensive car that would cost a lot to replace. These kinds of things could cost your insurer big bucks down the road, so it makes sense they raise premiums ...
How to Buy Life Insurance
Life insurance can be a difficult item on the financial to-do list. “Buying something for when you die is not appealing, but you still need to take the time to research it,” says Zhaneta Gechev, a 15-year life insurance agent and owner of OneStopLifeInsurance.com. “The biggest mistake I see when people shop for life insurance ...
Life Insurance FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions How Does Life Insurance Work? Do I Need Life Insurance? What Does Life Insurance Cover? What is Term Life Insurance? What is Whole Life Insurance? What is Universal Life Insurance? What Type of Life Insurance Should I Buy? How Much Does Life Insurance Cost? How Are Life Insurance Rates Determined? What Types ...
How a DUI Affects Your Auto Insurance
How a DUI Affects Your Car Insurance Fast facts: DUIs increase car insurance rates by 87% on average. The average annual premium for a driver with a DUI on their record is $3,139, but this varies state-to-state. You already know driving under the influence makes you a danger to yourself and others on the road. ...
How Lemonade Insurance Works
When Life Gives You Lemons… Having to pay for homeowners insurance month after month leaves a sour taste in most people’s mouths. Lemonade, an app-based homeowners and renters insurance company, is trying to turn that lemon into something sweet by simplifying the insurance process. Insuring your home or apartment through Lemonade is meant to be ...
How to Buy Car Insurance
Learning to be a smart driver was one thing, but becoming a smart insurance shopper? That’s a whole different learning curve. Here we’ll go over a few basic steps for finding the auto insurance you need at a fair price, complete with tips from insurance industry experts. Decide whether to buy through an agent or ...
Michigan has a plan to fix auto insurance. Could other states follow?
Michigan lawmakers passed auto insurance reform legislation recently that state Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has called “truly historic.” When it takes effect in July 2020, the new law is designed to lower car insurance prices by changing both the amount of insurance drivers are required to purchase and the way insurance companies are allowed to set ...
Here's What Makes Nationwide Rideshare Insurance Different
Rideshare insurance is a necessity for Uber and Lyft drivers, but an oddball in the insurance world. It’s very limited coverage that only applies at select times: specifically, when a driver has their rideshare app turned on, but hasn’t yet accepted a ride or picked up a customer. It’s also primarily meant for collision and ...
Why All Drivers Need Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage
If you sideswipe a parked car, cause a fender bender, or find yourself at-fault in a more serious collision, your insurance company will cover the other person’s injuries and damages. That’s what liability insurance is for. Conversely, if someone else were to hit you, their insurance company would be the one footing the bill. But ...
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